Welcome on board!
Our team`s unique synergy of technical know-how, sector expertise, and international outlook makes us the go-to choice for the most transformative projects in global retail. Are you ready to work on one?

We value long-term collaboration in everything.
Empowering our people with a harmonious and
dynamic environment to do their best work is
second nature to us.
Head of Application Management Support
I joined Weigandt over 10 years ago after spending 8 years in IT already. It was the best decision for my career development since I quickly gained skills and experience. I started out as an AMS engineer and quickly branched out to numerous international projects. This allowed me to hone my skills and eventually advance to my current position as the Head of Application Management Support.
Senior IT Consultant
I became part of the Weigandt team over 10 years ago as a Junior Technical Support Engineer, with my only experience being in customer service. As I delved deeper into the Retail industry, my interest in how retail solutions influence and improve clients’ businesses has grown constantly. This passion led me to the Senior IT Consultant position and gave me a fantastic opportunity to become part of the process of continuous business improvement.
Tech Support Team Lead
I began my career at Weigandt Consulting as a Tech Support Engineer. I had no prior experience, but I was very eager to learn and to prove myself. Management quickly noticed that I had a knack for supporting critical systems and that I naturally assumed a leadership role among my peers, so I was promoted to Tech Lead within just four months. Today, after several years on this job, I`m still loving playing such a crucial role in stabilising systems and addressing users’ needs.